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Council of EuropeSubmissions

ASSEDEL Submits a Third-party Intervention to the European Court of Human Rights

For years, Greece has been accused of pushing back asylum seekers. It is in this context that the European Court of Human Rights has communicated a case concerning two asylum seekers, including a Franco-Turkish national with the right to free movement in Greece, to the Greek government.

ASSEDEL, authorized to intervene as a third party in the above mentioned case, focuses in its submission on the characterization of the alleged violations.

ASSEDEL’s third-party intervention also questions whether the asylum seekers who had been pushed back should be bond to exhaust Greek legal remedies before introducing an individual application before the Court.

Finally, it emphasizes the exceptional situation of the incarcerated Turkish citizens (alleged supporters of the Gulen Movement and the Kurdish cause) for political motives, after being pushed back.

To read the full submission, please click here.

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