- Malala Yousafzai: The Girl Who Defied the Odds and Became a Global Beacon for Women’s Rights
- Rift within Transatlantic Alliance: Munich Security Conference and Ukraine war
- Germany’s Immigration Debate: Is the Political Firewall Cracking
- “Elmasry’s Release: Italy’s Decision in Light of the ICC Warrant, Legal Missteps and Human Rights Concerns”
- How Donald Trump’s Policies Could Transform The U.S.
- Pourquoi le pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile n’avance-t-il pas?
- Addressing the Challenges of Syrian Refugees in Europe following the statement of the Сommissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe
- ASSEDEL Submits Observations to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers Under Rule 9.2
- Commentary on the UK’s 42nd National Report Under the European Social Charter
- Submission to Venice Commission concerning the Ongoing Opinion on Law No. 6087: “Law on the Council of Judges and Prosecutors”
- Initial Observations on the Implementation of Telek and Others v. Turkey
- Intelligence artificielle & discrimination raciale
- Malala Yousafzai: The Girl Who Defied the Odds and Became a Global Beacon for Women’s Rights
- ASSEDEL’s High School Debate Competition at the European Parliament
- ASSEDEL’s Training Session at the Council of Europe
- Rift within Transatlantic Alliance: Munich Security Conference and Ukraine war
- Greece’s Non-Compliance with International Refugee Law: Systematic Pushbacks and Legal Violations