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On May 9, ASSEDEL participated in the Europe Day celebration

What is this celebration?

It is the commemoration of the “Schuman Declaration,” considered the birth of the European Union.

This year, the Europe Day celebration organized by the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg marks its 10th anniversary! On this occasion, a fair was held at the foot of the cathedral with the participation of many associations, including ASSEDEL, which offered various activities to the public.

European Harmony

Artist Osman Kirik presented the public with committed works calling for peace among peoples and unity. An ode to European Harmony, the title of his performance.

Through dazzling sand animations, this captivating show highlighted the fundamental values that unite Europe. Each grain of sand told a story of diversity, solidarity, peace, and respect for human rights. The sand artist, with his magical skill, sculpted evocative images that reflect the very essence of unity in European diversity.

Several topics were addressed during this animation, including cultural diversity, solidarity, peace and cooperation, and Human Rights, evoking the richness of European cultures, celebrating the variety of traditions, languages, and customs, and the importance of cooperation and dialogue to overcome challenges and promote the common good.

The Streets of the Union in Strasbourg

We also gave the public a voice with our street interviews: the Streets of the Union!

We roamed the streets to ask questions about the institutions present in Strasbourg (the European Union and the Council of Europe) to our fellow citizens, to understand the general perception and knowledge of the population about these institutions that play a major role in protecting human rights, promoting democracy, and building a united Europe, and also to strengthen Strasbourg’s image as a European city.

Among the questions we asked the people of Strasbourg were:

  • In your opinion, why is Strasbourg a central city in Europe?
  • What are the major themes addressed by the European Parliament?
  • What are the major themes addressed by the Council of Europe?
  • What is the difference between the Council of Europe and the European Parliament?

We received many different and interesting answers. See you on June 3 on our social networks to discover the results!

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