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SubmissionsUnited Nations

Contribution of ASSEDEL to the UN call for input on discrimination against LGBTI people in the context of business activities

This report, authored by ASSEDEL’s Working Group on LGBTI Rights, aims to highlight the significant challenges faced by LGBTI individuals in the workplace and during business activities. It emphasizes the need for adopting policies and measures to ensure fair and respectful treatment of LGBTI individuals, based on a thorough analysis of various surveys and research.

Despite strides in anti-discrimination laws, discrimination against LGBTI individuals is still prevalent in the workplace. They often face hurdles in employment, career advancement, and access to benefits and privileges, leading to economic and social disadvantages. Hostile work environments, characterized by microaggressions, are also a concern. These microaggressions create a toxic atmosphere for LGBTI individuals, affecting their mental and physical health.

The report underlines the importance of workplace policies and practices in addressing these issues. Companies should have inclusive non-discrimination policies and diversity initiatives to ensure equal opportunities for LGBTI individuals. Furthermore, it highlights the impact of discrimination on the consumer aspect, where the lack of representation in business narratives and media coverage marginalizes LGBTI individuals as consumers.

In conclusion, the report calls for a ban on employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and advocates for the promotion of LGBTI-friendly work policies and equal representation in business narratives and media coverage.

To read our full report, please click here.

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