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SubmissionsUnited Nations

ASSEDEL responds to the call for submission of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls

This comprehensive legal report sheds light on the alarming issue of violence suffered by women in prostitution in France, addressing three critical aspects.

       1. Prostitution and Human Rights

The report meticulously examines the intricate links between prostitution and human rights violations, presenting diverse perspectives on the practice, emphasizing the experiences of women subjected to violence within this context.

      2. Exit Measures in France

The second part of the report details existing programs to help individuals leave prostitution, scrutinizing their effectiveness in ensuring rehabilitation and reintegration for those aiming to break free from exploitation.

      3. Ineffectiveness of Legal and Political Structures

A critical analysis is provided in order to point out the shortcomings of the legal and political framework in France. The report highlights the lack of political commitment and urges stronger involvement for comprehensive implementation of existing laws.

To read all of our submission, please click here.

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