The concept of human rights is everchanging and developing; this concept of rights we identify as the bare minimum for all humans…
I. OVERVIEW In its judgment rendered in respect of Selahattin Demirtaş on 22/12/2020 1, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of…
According to the new detailed reports obtained from the BBC, women in China’s so-called ‘‘re-education” camps have been systematically raped, tortured, and…
About 780 children aged from 0 to 6 are currently in prison with their mothers in Turkey. Although this is a…
Le 11 décembre 2020, le Conseil européen a adopté une conclusion1 sur la base de laquelle des mesures restrictives individuelles pourront être…
Le président de la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme, Robert Spano s’est rendu en Turquie du jeudi 3 au samedi 5…