SubmissionsUnited Nations

ASSEDEL submits responses to the UN Special Rapporteurs call for the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association

The submission emphasizes two key points observed in post-2016 period in Turkey:

  1. Although Law No. 2911 on Assembly and Demonstrations states that the assembly and demonstration marches can be held without permission, Article 17, Article 19, and Article 24 are implemented in arbitrary ways. Even ‘the state of emergency’ has ended in July 2018, it continues in practice.
  2. By the arbitrary implementation of Law. 2911, some iconic demonstration squares are not allowed by the local governorships. The demonstrations in Eastern Turkey, May 1, and Pride Parades are also arbitrarily banned.

The report underlines the most important problem as the double standard practice of the government and its subordinate local administrations against the assembly and demonstrations.

To read the full submission, please click here.

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