
ASSEDEL has organized a webinar dedicated to “Migration due to Climate Change” in collaboration with ACCP (Action Collective Contre la Pauvreté).

This webinar closely inspects the links between climate change and migration in Togo, Africa. The main topics of interest are defining climate migration – its causes and effects and pointing out the main pattern of environmental displacement.

After a detailed analysis made by an expert and representative of ACCP, the webinar concludes with a Q&A session, which aims to inform the audience further on the importance of defining the status of climate refugees, the occurrence of ecological shocks due to climate change, the disproportionate suffering of people in less developed countries, effects of climate migration on the female population, the risk of climate gentrification, and the meaning of commitment to climate justice.

In conclusion, African communities need understanding, compassion, and help for the lives of many local communities to be improved. Dedicated NGOs such as ACCP should be supported so that they can keep making a positive change at a local level and international level.

Join us on this path of gaining understanding and making a change in the lives of so many victims of climate hazards. 

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