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ASSEDEL submits its report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee for the review of France

As part of the 142nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, from October 14 to November 08, 2024, France will be examined under the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ASSEDEL, an association that places the defense of human rights at the heart of its actions, wishes to make its contribution by making recommendations to France, in order to assist the Committee by obtaining information and establishing issues against the State party under review.

The report is based on the events of the past few months that have marked the news in France, such as police violence or arbitrary arrests during demonstrations, the increase in antisemitic and racist acts, or the sometimes degrading treatment of homeless people. They have given rise to numerous concerns about respect for human rights, and these repressive practices and inhumane treatment are widely denounced by human rights associations and NGOs. ASSEDEL is one of them.

Our association has therefore drawn up a set of recommendations, which mainly concern the provision of data and measures relating to the principles of non-discrimination, the right to freedom and safety, the prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, particularly of foreigners, and the right to life, as enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. More generally, our recommendations encourage France to persevere in its efforts to protect human rights, and in its quest for an environment that promotes democracy, freedom and safety.

To read our full report, please click here.

The report has been placed into the UN Treaty Body Database soon after its submission and available here.

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