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Council of EuropeSubmissions

ASSEDEL submits its observations to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

ASSEDEL has submitted its observations in connection with the landmark Yuksel YALCINKAYA v. Turkey Grand Chamber judgment of the European Court of Human Rights.

Intended for the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, which is responsible for supervising the execution of the Court’s judgments, our observations cover not only the execution of the individual measures ordered, but also general measures concerning the abuse of anti-terrorist legislation by the Turkish courts.

This judgment is one of a series of cases – 2,000 so far – against Turkey for violation of Article 7 of the Convention, which member states are very rarely found to have breached.

ASSEDEL is contributing to the promotion of the rule of law with an update on the implementation of this judgment by courts throughout Turkey.

For our submission please click here.

The report was published oh the website of the Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe shortly after its submission and is available here.

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