The Netherlands has submitted its seventh periodic report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights with accordance to articles 16 and 17 of its Covenant. In this context, the Netherlands reports on the measures which it has adopted and the progress it has made in achieving economic, social and cultural rights. ASSEDEL therefore submitted a report to the Committee, examining various critical measures and events, as well as drawing attention to the pressing issues that demand attention.
Furthermore, ASSEDEL provides constructive recommendations aiming to achieve tangible progress. These recommendations include issues concerning non-discrimination and equal treatment, employment and working conditions, protection and assistance for families, as well as a reflection on the current political crisis concerning migration policies.
Pour lire l’intégralité de notre rapport, veuillez cliquer ici.
Le rapport a été placé dans la base de données des organes de traités des Nations unies peu après sa soumission et est disponible ici.