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Webinar on Education of Young Migrants and Compulsory Schooling

Last week, ASSEDEL participated in an engaging webinar hosted by the Committee on Migration Issues of the Council of Europe. The focus of the event was the pressing topic of “Education of Young Migrants and Compulsory Schooling.”

The discussions brought together a range of expert voices, exploring several key themes:

  1. The right to education for all, as enshrined in the European Social Charter
    The webinar underscored the Charter’s commitment to ensuring that every child, regardless of their background or migration status, has access to education as a fundamental right.
  1. Access to formal education for migrant children of school age, highlighting the barriers that migrant children often face when trying to enter education systems and shared practical approaches to breaking down these obstacles.
  1. The Contribution of Informal Education. The importance of informal education was also a central theme, particularly its role in supporting social integration and complementing formal schooling for young migrants.

The event was an opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities in providing equitable education for all children. It also reinforced the importance of collective efforts to uphold the right to education and promote inclusive policies. ASSEDEL thanks particularly Daniel Guery, the Vice-Président of the Committee on Migration Issues, for organizing this webinar, and Geneviève Laloy, the Vice-President of the Conference of INGOs, for moderating.

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