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ASSEDEL submits its shadow report to the Committee on elimination of discrimination against women (CEDAW) for the review of France’s ninth periodic report (visually supported)

France has submitted its ninth periodic report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. In this context, civil society is invited to provide its observations to the Committee as part of its review. ASSEDEL therefore submitted a report to the Committee, highlighting several points and recommendations to ensure a more effective fight against sexist and sexual violence (ssv), and more particularly feminicide and violence in the private sphere.

In its report, ASSEDEL examines several measures put in place by France to combat gender-based violences, such as the “Téléphone grave danger” (serious danger telephone), protection orders, ssv prevention and education, and emergency shelter places, and makes its own recommendations. ASSEDEL also wishes to bring to the Committee’s attention its concerns regarding two recent measures to combat ssv, the effects of which could run counter to the desired aim: Law no. 2020-936 of July 30, 2020, allowing doctors to lift medical confidentiality when they consider that a victim under the influence is unable to turn to the authorities, and the generalization of departmental criminal courts. they consider that a victim under the influence is unable to turn to the authorities, and the generalization of departmental criminal courts.

To read our submission, please click ici.

Le rapport a été placé dans la base de données des organes de traités des Nations unies peu après sa soumission et est disponible ici.

Please find hereby below the visual summary of our submission.

"Combatting Gender Discrimination in France: ASSEDEL's Observations to CEDAW Committee"
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