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ASSEDEL submits Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report to the UN Human Rights Council for France in the frame of the 43rd Session (visually supported)

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process that involves a periodic review of the human rights records of the 193 members of the United Nations. ASSEDEL submits its second UPR report for the French Republic that includes two key issues, a) respect for human rights and b) the fight against discrimination. The report provides relevant recommendations to the French authorities for the resolution of alleged human rights violations.

Pour lire l’intégralité de notre rapport, veuillez cliquer ici.

Our report has been published on the website of OHCHR. To view the full list of the associations who contributed to Summary of Stakeholders’ Submissions, please click ici.

In the Summary of Stakeholders’ Submissions, 9 points have been referred to ASSEDEL’s report. To download the full report, please click ici.

Please find hereby below the visual summary of our submission.

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