Council of EuropeSubmissions

ASSEDEL submits a statement in favor of the regulation of lobbying and advocacy in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

ASSEDEL has answered the survey conducted by the member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Ms Azadeh Rojhan (Sweden, SOC) on lobbying activities and NGO access to the Assembly.

This survey is the starting point of a future information note for the Assembly on the subject of advocacy and lobbying activities. It will address two issues. First, it will consider how the regulation lobbying activities in the Assembly could be increased through the adoption of a transparency register and a code of conduct. Second, it will examine the civil society’s access to Assembly and discuss how the meaningful participation of NGOs could be facilitated.

ASSEDEL supports the initiative of Ms Rojhan. The association places itself in favor of the harmonization of the rules regulating lobbying activities performed within the Council of Europe. ASSEDEL also advocates for a better and more consistent consultation of the civil society by the Assembly.

To read the ASSEDEL’s response to the survey, please click here.

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