SubmissionsUnited Nations

ASSEDEL responded to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief is preparing a report on transformative responses to advocacy for hatred based on religion or belief. The Special Rapporteur has invited civil society to provide its observations. ASSEDEL has responded to this call by submitting the present report.

ASSEDEL has chosen to address the question ‘how are prejudicial attitudes among state actors, including law enforcement and justice operators, monitored, recognized and addressed’ in France?

The report recalls the constitutional principle of laïcité and its essential role in regulating the behavior of state actors in terms of religious neutrality. The report addresses three crucial issues in advocacy for hatred based on religion or belief: anti-religion rhetoric in political discourse, indirect discrimination in law, and racial profiling techniques.

ASSEDEL drew on the work of the United Nations, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, and French human rights organizations. In this report, ASSEDEL wished to compile specific cases of advocacy for religious hatred in France, in order to highlight certain issues in the existing response mechanisms.

To read the report, please click here.

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